Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Step Six - Outside the home

From the first day, within our house and just outside, we only used underwear for her. But, at night and when we go out, we use pull-ups. She also uses pull-ups at daycare - where she also has and uses her own potty.

If she has an accident, we change her immediately so she gets the idea that she is not supposed to be wet. We check the pull-up often and say "oh, dry Millie, good job!".

For the first 10 days or so, we brought the potty everywhere we went and put her on it everytime she said peepee. Then oneday we were out shopping and I had forgot the potty. I sat her on the big toilet (big potty) in the bathroom and she went pee! From that day, we have just been stopping at public bathrooms for her when we are out.

Since we know she can now hold it, we are now telling her "No Millie. No Peepee. Wait" when she needs to go and we are not yet at a washroom. We usually can find something withing 5 minutes and prevent accidents. She holds it until she is on the toilet.

Step Seven - Night Time

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