Thursday, August 13, 2009

No More Diapers!!!

For 2 days we have been taking Millie out for the day and not even using pull-ups. She is 17 months old and has officially gradutated to full-time big-kids underwear. She uses the toilet in restaurants, malls, shops or wherever we are.

I am still working on keeping her dry through the nights (between 11pm and 5am there are still sometimes accidents), but will keep posting on the progress.

When we are out of the house, it is interesting to see people discover that she is not wearing diapers...they look at me accusingly - "Isn't she a bit young not to be wearing diapers?"

It is as if I'm a bad parent for "pushing" her too young. Are you kidding me? Isn't it worse to mislead your child to beleive that they should do their pees and poos in chemical filled pants?

She is capable of learning, she is proud to have learned and is very turned off by the idea of having an accident.

Many people have been asking how we did it, so I thought I would just write out our story. If it works for someone else - great. If not, maybe there are parts of it that will work for you.

When I first decided to try early potty training, I found lots of material on potty training infants (yes, google it) and lots on potty training 2-3 year olds. There wasn't much on how to explain the concept to a 14-18 month old. So, we took a pratical approach - and it worked!